Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Semankau day10

Second trip to Semankau—this time we went to Senakau at daybreak and low/incoming tide along with the Commonwealth Group (representatives from Asian commonwealth countries in Sg studying environmental issues. Additionally, we were joined by the Naked Crabs, a friendly and efficient volunteer group committed to study and preservation of coastal nature areas and focused also on teaching/guiding.

After a mudflat walk, we went to the end of the island for a look and back to the processing plant where they offload incinerated waste—2 million tons per day/down from 7. This their only landfill will last till 2030 at which time the country is committed to zero waste—zero landfill—thru reuse/recycling/and reduced consumption.

I did see a collared kingfisher, a flock of heron (locally/in Beaufort-- they seem solitary), an egret and a peurple ?heron. I saw a couple types of brown forest birds. The island is clean, green and has wonderful mudflats and mangroves. There is interest in replacing and refurbishing local destroyed reefs just now gaining steam.

Back to Sg for a dinner at little India after peicking up train tickets for Malaysia. No internet in the rainforest so future blogs will be delayed 2 and half days—slow internet in our inn prevents attachments till then –away in 5 minutes.

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