Monday, March 3, 2008

Pediatrician, Waterbird Carver and General Tag-along

I was invited by Dan Rittschof to accompany/be a participant in this course studying Urban Tropical Ecology. Sounding like a great adventure, I gladly accepted. Little did I realize at the time how the serendipity of events would interconnect my long-standing (since my second grade teacher told me the sun would burn out in 5 million years) interest in the environment, my relatively new hobby of waterbird carving, my photography of waterbirds by kayak at Rachel Carson Estuary and the emerging interest of pediatricians to speak out on environmental issues that affect the children in their care even more vigorously. I am excited about and open to new horizons.

Why will bird photos likely crop up often on the page? Not a surprise due to my hobby, but also,

Like the canary carried into the coal mines, it may be that shorebird/wading birds/ migratory birds can serve as a barometer of environmental health--their decline may warn us/ their rejuvenation may tell us we are choosing rightly---the loss of their song may be the warning, just as in the mines, that the environment is at severe peril.

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